Monday, August 4, 2014

Walmart Price Match changes

Good afternoon everyone. I have some important information about the Walmart price match program. Most of you know I used the program quite frequently to save money. Our local Walmart matches BOGO's but not on everything such was they do not match Winn Dixie's BOGO on meat. Each store had a different policy. One will price match on milk one won't. I was at Walmart yesterday buying our weekly groceries. (We're currently doing Bob Harper's Jumpstart to skinny, you can follow our progress us here at Making Time. This is what the walmart employee told me that as of Aug 1st they would not longer price match at the counter. That you would have to take your receipt and go online submit everything you you had a price match on and they will mail you a gift card. But since it was a new programs and I only had two items he matched it for me. The manger came over to give him a hard time for doing so. I looked at her and told her that he informed me of the new policy but since his was giving the customer not only information to how to operate the new program in the future but great customer service I didn't see the issue at hand. She was not so pleased but I received me two prices matches and was on my way. (I normally have a lot more like 10 + price matches.)

Now I have found conflicting information. First I found this. Ok logical but it isn't a walmart official website. So it took some digging. This is what the official walmart website says. New Policy. It's a totally different program called Saving Catcher. While it does Price Match it is NOT the price match program. As a matter of fact here is walmart corporate's website on the matter. Price Match Policy. So if they will no longer honor the prce match policy in store I may be going to several other stores to get my items. Because to wait for a gift card to be mailed to me is not really saving me money. It's giving me money to spend in their store... What I am going to do and will report back on is print out the Corporate policy and talk to my local store's manager. If Corporate is going to have them keep it on their website then they should be able to honor it. If the manager agrees, then I will be taking their name and only shopping at that store.

If it goes totally automated then while most associates would price match on BOGO with no specific price i.e. Buy One Get One Free and save up to $2.50. Why would if go to Walmart to BOGO if the price is listed I'm going to Walmart to BOGO because their original price is cheaper. For example Rob is on a kick for Life cereal. Our local walmart sells it for $3.00 a box. Publix the same size box is $4.50. The BOGO ad at Publix would say "Life cereal BOGO save up to $4.50. Limit x per transaction" So I go to Walmart and buy the box for 3 bucks and get one free. This isn't in line with their written policy but most managers say go ahead no big deal. But if it would cost me 6 bucks because they won't honor a BOGO I'd rather go to publix and get the 4.50 box and get a free box and not risk having to enter my receipt after I have purchased the two boxes and hope for fingers crossed the computer tells me it's a price match.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Book has arrived

I picked up The Total Money Makeover last night. I have the audio version that Miles is listening to on the drive to work. I will read it as soon as a I can that way my next entries will be a break down on the book with how we are going to get back on track!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Our new deal

So here is the deal. A lot of major drama happened since last I posted. I needed some time to just deal with it all. Including (not drama) the birth of our daughter Alice. Miles is trying to get some things settled at work and I'm going to revamp our meal plans which means I need to redo our shopping list to finally post that for ya'll. I re-request the totally money transformation. I also am going to try to complete step of the baby steps by doing this.

52 week money challenge

Refresher course: Step one of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Transformation is a $1000 emergency fund. If you have followed me before you know I have cut back on a lot of things. Even going so far to DIY when it will save me money, it won't always. So I figured this is going to be the quickest way for me to stick to it and save the money. It is not my original idea although it is my original work. I'm not sure who to give credit to as I first saw it floating around facebook over a year ago new years time 2013. And a quick google search did not turn up an originator. What I do suggest is not starting it in January. Why because if you do this all the way through (you only need to do it up to week 45 to get the grand Ramsey requires.) you are asked to deposit $49, $50, $51 and $52 bucks which equals $202 bucks during the holidays which would be rather tight for most.

So while I'm waiting for the book request to go through I may not update. And once I have the book in hand I am going to go the whole thing, and create lessons like I did last time. Then I will post them like I did before.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sorry everyone

Hey everyone. I'm so sorry. Things have been beyond crazy here. I swear I will post it all soon. As what we have gone through this week I pray no one else has to ever. But I want to put out there, as embarrassing and painful as it is, I want others who have gone through this or might be going through it will have some knowledge to be prepared. But it's late, I'm exhausted and work has been a beast this week. The Claybourne family will be trying to finish up our Christmas Shopping this weekend and with Christmas on Wednesday posting may not happen till a week or two. I promise I will get back on track with Mr. Ramsey's book too plus I'm working on a wallet tutorial to fit all those wonderful envelopes I have talked about.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Running into walls

Hey everyone.

I hope everyone's Friday the 13th is going well. Miles and I have had a very busy day today as well as yesterday. So I am delaying my posting till Monday. I will not be posting on the weekends because that is strictly family time. I hope everyone understands. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The total money makeover (part 3) Ch 2 "I'm not that out of shape"

Ok I have to say I love, love, love the fact that Mr. Ramsey compares getting your finical house in order to dieting. Because come on who of us have not dieted at one point in time or another? I have a lot of notes today from Chapter 2. So here we go.

1st you need to realize the need to change your ways. I mean let's be real here Einstein said the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So let's not be insane. If you have been doing things the same way for so long doing it the same way will not cause a change. Once you realize you need to change then it's time to identify those obstacles that are getting in your way.

90% of solving a problem us realizing there is one!

Debt consolidation is dangerous because you treat only the symptom not the problem. (This is what I would call "things that make you go hmmmm")

Focus intensity is required (life or death intensity) for you to reset your money-spending patterns.

Biggest obstacle is DENIAL!!! This may seem like a big DUH moment but like Mr. Ramsey said in the beginning his book is not things you have never heard before. It's common sense. Sometimes we just need to be reminded of it.

"For your own good, for the good of your family and your future, grow a backbone! When something is wrong, stand up and say it is wrong, and don’t back down." He's right, he is totally right. If you have the gut feeling that you're just surviving or even if you think you're just fine, get over it. Something is wrong or you wouldn't be here.

Your family/friends will participate in your fantasy/denial, which make you believe you are doing just fine.

First factor that keeps you from winning the money by getting a total Money Makeover is NOT realizing you need one. This goes hand in hand with the last two points.

If life isn't smacking you around at the moment you are in greater danger then you realize. Follow your gut here people.

He dives in the frog scenario. I have heard this many times in my life and love the analogy. If you place a frog in a pot of boiling water it can immediately since the water is hot and will jump out. But if you put a frog in a pot of cool water, set the pot on the stove and turn the heat on low, then slowly start to increase the heat the frog will boil to death without censing the change around it. I used to use this example with the Area of town that Miles grew up in. People he went to elementary school with and I went to high school with are moving back to that area of town. I refuse. Why? Because my family isn't there, I have not been immersed in it my how life. I have seen how bad the neighborhood has gotten; I've seen the rise in crime rate. If you have lived there you're how life, you're parents are still there and the only time you ever spent away was maybe four years of college you're going to think the neighborhood is the same as it was when you were a child. After all your parents still live there it must be safe. Not when you wake up and find someone sleeping in your car, not when your car has been broken in to at least twice, not when there is a shooting two blocks from your parents. Do not be a frog!

His frog point is when it comes to money you have been in the same situation for so long you don't feel the water boiling. Its killing you jump out. There is a big scary man standing two doors down with a gun. And this isn't the first, wouldn't you move? So move, to set your finances in order because that big scary man just one day might be your banker saying they are taking your home!

The enemy of "the best" is not "the worse". The enemy of "the best" is "just fine". You don't want to be just fine people. Anyone of you seen the Italian Job, the remake. Remember what FINE stood for? "Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional." I don't know about you but I don't want to be just FINE. I want to be Great!

Few people have the courage to seek out change. Ok Mr. Ramsey has to be a parent because of his next analogy. Let's compare it to a poopie diaper. "I know it smells bad, but it's mine and it's warm." Only when the rash comes d o we cry out. So let's change that diaper people because come on diaper rash is no fun!!! Do you have the courage to change that diaper?

You are where you are right not financially as a sum total of the decisions you've made to this point. (Another "things that make you go hmmm...) Touché Mr. Ramsey Touché!

If you like where you are keep it up. Live in your denial! Enjoy being a frog with a poopie diaper. But you are reading this for a reason. Deep down in your gut you know something is wrong! As for me and mine, we refuse to be poopie diapered frogs anymore!!!

 photo Frogindiaper_zpsc7f5c960.jpg (No I do not own the copyright to this picture it was taken off of eBay by seller muppetsesametreasures.

You don't want to have a finical heart attack because you are financially fat. (Being finically fat is not a good thing people. It doesn't mean you’re Scrooge McDuck sitting on a fat pile of money you can dive through. It means you are living above your means. What happens if someone in your family lost their job that would be a finical heart attack for you?)

This next part took me a little by surprise but again its common scenes. You might make friend and family uncomfortable because you are now refusing to live like everyone else. (Things that make you go hmmm)

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." Albert Einstein.

This is not a cult! I think I said this before but it's really not.

Ok well that's it for today. Have questions. Just ask. Want to read along with me, make sure you request you copy from the library.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chapter 1 of The total Money makeover (part 2) and my command center

Good morning everyone!

Like I said I am reading Dave Ramsey's the Total Money Makeover. I am very surprised how small the chapters are. Which I guess is a good thing. I did realize I forgot to add a picture of the book so here you go. And for some reason Blogger does not want to insert it. So here it is from photobucket. Total money makeover photo total-money-makeover1_zps10dbd6a4.jpg So shall we begin?

Chapter 1 The Total Money Makeover Challenge

The first thing I think is important to mention is this the excuse. "I don't have time to work on a budget, retirement plan, or estate plan." His response "You don't have time not to." And he is absolutely right. If you don't make the time do sit down and do this, this plan will not work. Like I said yesterday you can't expect to lose weight and not eat less and exercise more. You have to put in the effort. The only person who can change is the person in the mirror. That is right you! Or in my case me! This is also coming from a man (him not me obviously) who went through foreclosure and bankruptcy himself. He's been a millionaire twice.

Next Winning at money is 80& behavior and only 20% head knowledge. Some of the things you "learn" in the book are really common sense. It's about learning to apply them.

His motto and it is listed everywhere! "If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else." So this hasn't really been Miles and my problem, we don't like to try and "keep us with the Jones." Although Miles has a very hard time at telling me no when it comes to spending money because my love language is gift giving. A little lost here? Check out Dr. Gary Chapman's website here. This is another amazing book! Now granted I will admit in the past when I got upset I wanted to go buy something to make me feel better. But when I was single and only had school loan debt, which I should have been paying off and wasn't, and no other debt it wasn't a horrible thing. But now that I'm married with a husband, son and daughter on the way that is not feasible. I struggle with it, but I have found that crafting takes a really good place of that, and writing, and painting. Thanks goodness my grandmother is a sewer and my sister, Gwen, is an artist, so I can borrow a lot for free! :) I do find I get slightly jealous when friends take the weekend and go to Disney. It's only about 4 hours from us.) I'm a big Disney fan. But I know if we stick with this, while YES it is going to be hard till we are 100% out of debt. Right now if we are able to make our needed income, remember we're self employed, it will take four years for us to save 6 months worth of saving in the conditions we are in. But it would be worth is and we'll be out of debt have a saving and then start a house saving. I am determined not to have a mortgage or at least a small as one as possible. We are also talking about an interstate move in the next couple of years and we will need the savings. But I digress. I thought the motto was very important.

The most Important point I got out of this chapter is "Honestly assess your earn capacity and live BELOW your means.

So that was chapter one. Is anyone willing to take this challenge with me?

Part of how we got started? My command center.
Command Center photo IMG537_zps6dd7d04b.jpg
To put this together it cost me under $40 bucks. But you can do it for less. I had the bookshelf. I made the curtains for the book shelf with fabric my grandmother had, three wooden dowels I picked up for 56 cents apiece at a Wal-Mart’s craft department, some E- 6000 glue my grandmother had and some Christmas Light holders. I picked up a package or two at Wal-Mart last year to put some lights outside and it didn’t work because with Florida’s humidity the adhesive didn’t stick. So I had them laying around and even in the house they didn’t stay up. But with the E-6000 glue they worked great! They were the perfect size for the wooden dowels I picked up! Inside the book shelf is my binders.

I am not willing to show you the inside of my binders right now but if you look at here you can see how I made mine. The only thing I have done differently is I used colored pocked dividers and cut the tabs off for my pockets because it cost me about 2 bucks for 5. I did get the erasable dividers but my printer wouldn't fit them so I cut out her labels and taped them to the dividers. But then it wasn't big enough because I did use sheet protectors in my binders. I already had them. So that was no cost. So I slit small holes in the side of a few of the sheet protectors allowing the tab to stick out of the dividers. I'm sure I could have found bigger ones but I the erasable ones for 8 tabs was about 4 bucks and change at my local Wal-Mart. I'm SURE you can get a whole bunch of stuff cheaper after the school sales. You know when all the college students go back to school, and school has started for the kids, because I found my vinyl calendar for my office (business office) for about 2 bucks that way but when I went to look for it again they didn't carry it. So I wound up getting the pink one, Miles isn't thrilled with the color but it was 4 bucks and change on sale. The white ones were over six bucks. I did also pick 3 new one nice binders. I could have used some old ones I had but they did not have the slide line pockets on the front back and side, they were just plain black blue and grey. But the rings were bent so Miles agreed for this to be functional I could get three new binders. I did get the less expensive white binders and did this to them. Binders photo IMG540_zpsd95a48ec.jpg I have a ton of scrapbooking paper so I decorated them! Unfortunately my bookshelf height will not allow them to stand up so they sit on their sides. We're ok with that. On the next shelf is my file folder.File folder photo IMG541_zpsf4956d5b.jpg After each month's bills come in we put them in the green binder. At end of the month, Mrs. Jessie Gray from Dimplicity says to toss old utility bills, investment statements, Paycheck stubs, and credit card statements, but we keep these for a year. Why? Because we have learned that sometimes there a mix ups either the utility company saying we didn't pay a bill when we did, so I always put the date we paid them and transaction number from our bank on them. Same thing with our pay stubs. Mistakes can happen; they said they paid us x amount when they didn't. Sometimes they short paid us, sometimes they over paid us. But she is right check out her list on the binder blog. I've posted the link above. (The one where I say I made my binders like hers) Things you should keep for seven year and things to keep forever. That is what the file folder is for. I store everything that doesn't get tossed at the end of the month in there. It was on sale for 3 bucks and change.

Also in my command center is the pink calendar. Calendar photo IMG539_zpsd610b0c0.jpg On here goes family actives, library book due dates, meetings things of that nature. I do not put bill due dates here because that goes in one of our binders and in my mini calendar I keep in my purse. (BTW I'm about to totally redo so stay tuned for that!) I don't want guest coming over and seeing my bill due dates. My command center is right by our dining room table (we don't have an eat in kitchen so it's also our kitchen table.) I do sit there every night going through my mail, and filing things away. It has become a great routine.

Speaking of mail, the last piece of my command center is my mail sorter with dry erase board and small pin board. Mail sorter photo IMG538_zps9d44b85c.jpg I believe I picked this up at target a couple of years back. It's great it has two mail sorters. I know you can't see mine; Miles has to go through his mail. He goes through it every couple of days. Our boxes are labeled. If I need to tell Miles something while I'm home and he's not, or if I need to bring something on the way out that I can't put on my leaving box, like today my USB cord because that is what chargers my cell phone at night. (Yes my cell phone does not get charged in my bedroom.) I right notes on the white board. I haven't really used the pin board recently since I started with my binders.

Sorry for the poor quality of photos. I am not a professional photographer and they are cell phone pictures because my camera no longer works. But that's it for now. If you have questions let me know!